Knowledge is overrated Knowledge will not redeem you, knowledge will not be your salvation And knowledge won’t do shit for you, you have to DO things yourself Knowledge is UNDERRATED Knowledge is underrated too Most people are ignorant cunts Most people are incompetent dilettantes KNOWLEDGE HAS VALUE Knowledge is USEFUL I wrote …
Tag: Work
Engineering = Practical and Rigorous = Useful Mental Models
Mathematics is perfectly rigorous — but nevertheless too abstract Spirituality, psychology, are abstract yet tangible — alas hardly rigorous Engineering is the perfect marriage of RIGOROUS yet PRACTICAL The world is messy Some of this messiness is impossible to make sense of Those that pretend to be making sense of it are typically delusional, …
Minimising decisions is Idiotic
Minimising decisions is like avoiding moving to conserve energy I can’t believe anyone can seriously believe this nonsense Does decision fatigue exist? Surely Does fatigue exist? Surely When you run a marathon — you may not want to still try do to 10k steps. You may want to minimise it. It may make you …
Ruthless With The Finite, Boundless With The Infinite
If it doesn’t help you — it harms you If it’s either benefit or no benefit, benefit or harm, progress or regress — then NEUTRALITY doesn’t exist And if neutrality doesn’t exist — then neither does NEUTRAL ATTITUDE, does it? It’s either positive attitude then — or negative It’s either great time — or …
Why Do We Ignore The Fucking Market?
Market gives you all the information of WHAT TO DO (FREE MARKET, obviously. If it’s not free, than instead of reality all you learn is what someone wants to believe) Look around you Look at stuff you own Stuff you use Stuff you buy YOU VALUE THAT STUFF Now you already know a little …
Supply and Demand of Your Psyche
The law of supply states that as demand raises — supply will also raise Could we hypothesise that similar principle could govern one’s soul? =The more one wants something — the more one strives to obtain it CETERIS PARIBUS the more one wants something — the more one strives to obtain it. Assuming no …
Knowing a Formula — vs Actually APPLYING It
When you were in school, on your mathematics classes, you would learn a formula And then you had to apply this formula to solve a problem Knowing the formula was sufficient to solve the problem But it DIDN’T YET solve the problem You still had to apply this formula And that you had to …
Progression From Fun Uselessness to Fun Usefulness
It’s not what you do — it’s your attitude which matters Whatever it is that you’re doing — it ultimately becomes a projection in your psyche When you feel great — everything feels better When you feel terrible — nothing feels good at all Therefore it’s your inner state, and your attitude — is what …
You’re Not Ready for FREEDOM
FREEDOM is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT — you should get a REGULAR, TRADITIONAL, CONSERVATIST LIFE What do I mean by such life? -Getting a job -Not rocking the boat -Not trying too hard to “find yourself” -Respecting your community, your family, your legacy, your culture -Being grateful and contributing -Being hard-working, diligent, useful and helpful …
What Shall Society Give You?
I know few man who can move themselves. Who can will their reality, will their action, will their mind — INDEPENDENTLY of the outside world. Most man are the product of outside forces acting upon them Most man are the product of outside forces acting upon them Therefore most man only get better if …