Does “winner’s mentality” make you win? Is “winner’s mentality” a good idea? Do you want to win? Do you want to do the right thing? What do you want? What’s winner’s mentality? I imagine it’s mentality of a person predisposed to win. If so – it’s related to winning. So does it make …
Tag: Work
Giving Up Is Better Then Persevering
Giving up is better then not giving up. To give up is to either achieve nothing – or achieve something which is actually authentic. To not give up, to persevere – is to achieve everything which is inauthentic. If it’s authentic then it doesn’t involve discipline. If you must discipline yourself …
Your Toolkit Expands With Your Creativity
Your toolkit expands proportionally to your creativity. The more creative you are — the broader the range of tools are you using. A huge toolbox of tools you have no idea how to use is useless. By idea – I mean a creative idea. You can have all the instruments in the world …
Shitty Life Is Not a Challenge
Shitty life is not a challenge. Being miserable is not admirable. Hard work makes your life hard. Hard life is a hard experience. And then you die. Your ambition to BE SOMETHING fooled you. You die. Today, tomorrow, in a week, in a month, in a year, in 50 years. No one …
Only The Next Step Matters
each part of the “whole” is whole on it’s own account no part of the whole is less relevant then the whole itself that’s because part of the whole IS the whole or rather – there is no “part of the whole”. everything is whole each step you make is the journey each …
When You’re Not Looking For Solutions — You Find Ideas
When you’re not looking for solutions — you find ideas. When you’re looking for solutions — your vision is constrained by the question you have asked. Question you now feel compelled to answer. You have a certain problem, certain question, and you must solve it. There are many ways of reaching the solution. There …
The More Relaxed You Are The More Creative AND More Effective
Stress is not concentration. Relaxation is not slacking. Stress, biologically, is an organism’s response to a challenge. To put it simply — it quite simply makes you more suited for the challenge. It makes you smarter, faster and stronger. A lovely thing. Only — what is a challenge? Is life a challenge? I like …
The Problem With Modernity Is That We Are Simply Not Modern
Mankind is not so modern. We are old. Governed by our instincts. Our best response to our bestiality is to hamper it with laws and regulations. Which itself is bestiality (answering force with the threat of a force). This barely even works and we will probably kill each other soon. Whatever. Instead I …
Be Wrong Till The Day You Die
You fail. Then you fail again. And again. And again. You are wrong. Then you’re wrong again. You’re always wrong. Good. That’s what it means to be alive. You fail. You’re wrong. And then you try again. Failure is an inexorable part of life, obviously. So is being wrong. But they will tell …
You Will Be Rewarded
You want a reward. You want a reward because you want things. You want a reward because you want to believe your action, your effort wouldn’t be for granted. You want a reward, because you have a ridiculous idea that the world is just. It is just. Just not in the way you’d think. …