
The Truth About Plans and TO-DO Lists

The truth about TO-DO lists is that you can’t complete them.   Why can you not complete those lists? Does this fact render them entirely useless? Let’s enquire.   On the basic level – you make a TO-DO list in order to… KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TO DO. Nothing fancy. You make a list of …

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You Couldn’t Have Done More

“I could have done more” Could you really? If it truly is so, then please answer me one question: WHY DIDN’T YOU?   Oh yes. You just didn’t. You say: “I could have done more but I DIDN’T.” You say you will have done more the next time. Now there is the past, the present …

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Excuses Only Indicate Confusion

You have many excuses not to do something. But you want to do this thing. Or you “have to” do this thing. You use excuses to escape the doing of the thing, the doing of something. You find temporary comfort in the lie of your excuse. Until you realise your excuse was… well – just …

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Lifestyle Philosophy

“Hard Work” is a Thought-Terminating Cliche

“Hard work” is a thought-terminating cliche.   Thought-terminating cliche is some common saying, that is used to simplify the subject and avoid further considerations. You’d expect a thought-terminating cliche to occur when the reflections on the subject exceed someone’s aptitude in the matter. You can definitely expect a thought-terminating cliche when there is cognitive dissonance …

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Lifestyle Spirituality

You Can’t Do Anything

You can do anything… as long as you can. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can do anything. It not only wrong – it’s fucking pointless. There’s no point in doing anything. Egoic pursuits only aggravate the insecurity — and the corresponding suffering. So does hedonistic pursuit of pleasure – it only numbs you, …

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There Is No “Falling Behind” Unless You Think So

You are always busy. You are always hard-working. You never have time. And you are always behind with something.   You are behind with your achievements, you are behind with your job, you are behind with your stupid resolutions. Being behind with things, it has became so common, does it even mean anything any more? …

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Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Negligence Will Kill You

 Negligence is terrible.   Negligence is obviously ineffective. This much is self-evident. You don’t get the things done, and you don’t get the things done well, if you neglect them. If you are doing something — either put DUE effort into it, or put NO effort.   It is obvious yet we are almost never …

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