Stress will kill you. It’s also pretty fucking stupid. And it doesn’t feel good. Being care—free is the state to be. Being care—free is the only meaningful approach in the goal—less, meaning—less life. All else is an overcompensation of the self-obsessed self. Stressor is but a call to action. Stress is when we give …
Tag: Work
Mind Finds Security In Discipline
Mind is so terrified of dying…. Death is the annihilation of the mind. Mind does not want it’s annihilation. Mind wants to perpetuate itself. All being seems to be terrified of ceasing to exist, until it transcends it’s own being, until it transcends it’s illusionary separation from the entirety of being. Mind is utterly terrified …
Consciousness Is The Real Discipline
Ambitious that we are, men, we find all ways to ABUSE ourselves, all in order to get bigger, more powerful, more something. Call it discipline. Discipline is action or inaction that is regulated to be in accordance (or to achieve accord) with a system of governance. (Wikipedia) Sounds exactly like something you would …
Glimmer Of Meaning Is Far More Compelling Then Either Greed Or Need Is
We are nothing but hopeless drunks. Our drug – the MEANING. We do everything for the MEANING. Any meaning. We just want something, anything, to believe in. We do everything for any meaning. We might be fooled to believe that our motivations really are prosaic – that we are just a GREEDY bunch, …
“Hard Work” Is When The Passion Is NOT
Most of us know nothing of the passion. We talk all day about it and it is exactly what it is — just TALK. We never live our passion, we never live passionately. When there is ACTION then there’s nothing to talk about, nothing to think about – just ACTION. We never live our passion …
Better To Make Little Doing What You Love Then A LOT Doing What You Hate
Best to make ENOUGH. No more then that. Enough to get you by, and what for do you need MORE? Life’s too VAST and RICH to exhaust it in the whole fucking lifetime. EVERYTHING is an explosion of creativity, infinitely engrossing, infinitely beautiful. Earthly riches and man—made things are but a FRACTION of this …
The Less Competition There Is, The More Money To Be Made And LESS Time To Be Wasted For EVERYONE
I’m no socialist or leftist or any stupid fucking label. But please, investigate with me this simply reasoning: When two companies manufacture the same product… isn’t it twice as many people doing the exact same thing? Isn’t it twice as much work with setting up the whole process in motion, all the planning, all …
Motivation Is The Opium Of The People
I fucking hate the culture of motivation. So dull. Nothing like concealing the inner emptiness with more empty words, empty declarations, empty exclamations. You don’t fucking need motivation. If you want to do something — do it. Don’t witter about it. Motivation is the opium of the people. You buy “MOTIVATION” to numb …
If Your Accomplishments Don’t Make You Happy, It’s Because You Can’t Touch Them
You thought that becoming something will make you happy. It won’t. NOT—becoming something can make you unhappy… you are terrified of being nothing, hence you create the ideal of being something. You strive to become and to accomplish and to achieve but this is only an escape from being nothing… And perhaps you truly did …
Your Intellect Will Make (And Save) You More Money Then ANY Conventional Investment
Have you ever heard of someone losing all their money? Have you ever heard of a rich person going BROKE? Have you ever heard a high-earning person grumbling about not having any money? Have you ever seen anyone buy something they can’t afford…. for the money they don’t have?! People are stupid. You spend …