Lifestyle Philosophy

Implementation Validates the Method, But So Does It’s Logical Structure

You heard action verifies the method. You are practical. You test things. You cherish reality – which is why you don’t overindulge in theories… what good are theories, unless you can implement them? Test them, then USE them?

I wholeheartedly agree.

Men don’t take nearly enough action, alas they do talk way too much.

Fuck your theory. Test it first.


with that said…

life is short.

You saw you can’t rely on all the theories for there are so many and they are so different…now you test everything, you test restlessly, until you have exhausted every possible options and verified/debunked the whole theory…

Sounds pretty exhausting to me.

Implementation validates the method, but so does its logical structure.

A tautology if I ever heard one!

It’s easy to over-stress the value of logic, typically when you don’t realize the many moving parts in the real life escape your a priori logical models….

But it is also easy to over-stress the value of testing and taking action, typically when all your ‘doing’ becomes more important then your goals… you are now taking all this action and you are now so ‘practical’, only, what you are doing is never gonna make no sense, if theres a FLAW in the logical structure of your method.

I’ve been told by action-takers that I theorize too much and I had told theoreticians that they need to test their musings.

But I had seen people following an illogical, unsound, dubious methods, and it only begs the question…when will all your vigorous TESTING and EXPERIMENTING reveal this GLARING, OBVIOUS, INEXPLICABLE HOLE in your theory…?


LEARN things and TEST things.

RESEARCH things and EXPERIMENT with things.