Philosophy Spirituality World

That Old, Boring Power

At the end this obsession with power just gets really fucking boring.


Power is only exciting for those who don’t have it (and so is everything else you don’t have)


Power is the coolest thing in the world for those caught up in their power-games — and the most ordinarily boring to those outside of it.

It’s like watching a football match without any interest in football. What a silly game!


One can accumulate so much power but it’s usually just a desperate attempt to run away from the elementary feeling of powerlessness.

Powerlessness in front of the vast universe, and powerfulness in front of one’s own self, one’s own unruly psyche.


Those with power over themselves are not much interested in power. The world can move all around them but they remain still.

On the opposite are the restless conquerors and troublemakers, stirring up the entire world so that it matches the frequencies of their angst-ridden psyche.


Outside power is only as exciting as your hopes pinned down to it’s attainment.

It’s very exciting if you project your dreams of permanent fulfilment to it.

It’s very exciting if it alleviates your lingering insecurities.

It’s very exciting if it distracts you from the problems of existence.

It’s very exciting if it inspires some purpose to brighten the dullness of everyday toil.

It’s not particularly exciting if you addressed these problems first.

Let the big fish eat the small fish — the universe revolves all the same.


Serious one is obviously not very interested in power. How is this problem important? How is this problem more important then the problems of existence? Power or not — you still have to face the other day, make sense of it, find meaning, discover what is true, discover what is real.


If you are obsessed with power I encourage you to become more distanced. Review the problem with a degree of vigilance and curiosity. Unravel the hidden motives behind your desire to be powerful, to be large.

You will perhaps discover certain truth about yourself,

Or else you’ll find the entire affair just unbearably boring!