
The Fake Smile

The fake smile on your profile pic is the symbol of our times


Look at the faces of your predecessors, painted in oil, beautiful, strong

You don’t see them smiling like stupid fools

No fake smiles on their faces

They were never meant to look “friendly”


Because there is nothing good about being acceptable and friendly and tolerant

You don’t want to be “acceptable”. You want to be remarkable and unacceptable

You don’t want to be “friendly”. You want to associate with like-minded men, with whom you make great things together, and you don’t associate with the uncongenial, unsuitable fits

You don’t want to be “tolerant”. You want to discriminate. You don’t tar everyone with the same brush because we are OBVIOUSLY different. Therefore you discriminate


The fake smile on your profile pic is the symbol of our times

It’s the evil symbol of fake appearances and silly games

It’s the evil symbol of stories we all tacitly agreed to


The fake smile on your profile pic is the symbol of our times

It’s the evil symbol of mass-unification and dying individuality

It’s the evil symbol of the oppression of the mass, oppression of the group


The fake smile on your profile pic is the symbol of our times

It’s the evil symbol of our addiction to comfort and submission

It’s the evil symbol of mass-manipulation: appealing to love and unity, really only prostituting those notions in attempts for ever greater order and control


The fake smile on your profile pic is the symbol of our times

It’s the evil symbol of our weakness and meekness

It’s the evil symbol of the modern tyranny, concealed, twisted


The fake smile on your profile pic is the symbol of our times

It’s the evil symbol of our insecurity and desperation to be accepted

It’s the evil symbol of ignorance and delusion we mindlessly succumbed to