Lifestyle World

The Inappropriate


“Inappropriate” can only exist within an artificial system of rules and standards.


One concerned with evolution, one concerned with revolution, obviously can not be bound by no standards of yesterday.


There is obviously nothing that’s “inappropriate” or “incorrect” when vision is concerned.

Vision adheres to no standards — because vision is of tomorrow, and standards are of yesterday.

Vision is alive, and standards are dead.


We fail to see “propriety” for what it is,

If you’re concerned with status quo — then you should obviously respect it’s foundations.

If you’re concerned with playing the game well — then you should obviously respect it’s rules.

But there are no rules to the games of tomorrow. There are no rules to VISION.

Therefore — if you are at all interested with anything of true significance — it utterly immaterial whats appropriate and what’s inappropriate.


“Propriety” is one of those things we confuse for Good. Almost like morality — when it’s reduced to a set of dead standards.

I don’t think there’s anything good about “propriety”. It’s completely neutral.


We are so obsessed about what’s appropriate in our culture. Oh but it’s understandable! Culture is predicated on proper rules.

But all this must be left behind!

Forget propriety.

What is shunned as “inappropriate” is simply different.

Forget the word “inappropriate”. It’s meaningless! It’s a relic of the past.