
The Real “Positive”

The higher your state the more energy you have


Struggle is exhausting

Misery is exhausting

Laziness is exhausting

Procrastination is exhausting

Problems are exhausting

Stress is exhausting

Anger is terribly fucking exhausting

Sadness is exhausting

Worrying is so, SO exhausting


There’s no time for this

You only have so much time and so much energy-resources

The more “negative” you are the less energy you have left

It’s a vicious circle — in which your negative predicament persists because you have no energy to change it

You must end it once and for all, COMMIT TO LOVING LIFE


What is this “being positive”?

It’s not something a negative person will be easily able to do, and not something a sceptical (sceptically-negative) person will be easily able to do

But the higher you elevate your human condition the more obvious it becomes that this is the way to live, THE philosophy

What is this “being positive”, “staying positive”?

“Being positive” is rewiring your brain to screen for opportunities, for the “positive” developments and outcomes, rather then negative — which happens when your perception of the world is negative (and you seek to prove it, with your entire conscious and subconscious being — thus sabotaging yourself)

“Being positive” is not wasting your precious energy on all the nonsense worries and troubles and problems and even thoughts, all the useless thoughts and the MORE useless fucking negative thoughts, all the nonsense of negativity and the world’s horribleness

There’s no time for this nonsense and NO ENERGY for this nonsense


This is why the higher your state the more “positive” you are

This is why the higher your state the more energy you have

And your energy it’s almost limitless my friend, potentially

You don’t even have an idea


And again, you don’t bring about that state by motivation or discipline or ambition, mind you

All those paradigms are of higher level then anger and antagonism and spitefulness, and surely higher then apathy and hopelessness and resignation

However the paradigm of spontaneity, of inspiration, paradigm of simplicity, THESE are the paradigms which facilitate the highest energy, highest engagement and dedication and power

And you smile

And you love

You love your work and you love your life

No energy is dissipated on DISCIPLINING yourself

Obviously no energy is dissipated on worries and problems

No energy wasted on antagonism and who-is-who and all that stupid nonsense

No energy wasted on competing and squabbling for scarce resources, that ridiculous zero sum game

FUCK all that

Move higher

Make that choice

You always lived this way like everyone around you, at best “ambitious”, likely just complacent, and at worst petrified and hateful (of the world, all your evil perpetrators, and most of all yourself)

Know that there are other ways to live and there’s tremendous power in them