
The Right Way


Some do what pays the bills or what’s lucrative, even if they hate it

Some do whatever they want, or nothing at all

Such a false dichotomy! There obviously IS some middle ground


To pay the bills you get a job

To do what you’re excited about you do something you’re excited about

Try to do more of what you’re excited about, every day

Try to make your job a bit more exciting, every day

Bridge the gap every day

Seek solutions every day


You can’t view it as a dichotomy. They present it to you like that, the GURUS declaring that ultimate answer to the ultimate problem of passion vs money…

It’s not a fucking dichotomy

If you believe that it is — it will be

Get rid of that idea and make your job a little bit more exciting every day. A little bit more lucrative every day. And do what excites you every day