
The Slavemaster

We come into this world and are immediately inundated by the great weight of commitments, obligations, responsibilities, goals, ambitions…

We go to school so that it kills our creativity and then we go to college so that we can slave for others.

We get paid a lot or a little but we do submit.

The media sells us some convenient narrative about happiness and meaning and with the little time we have for actual thinking — we look into the future, and it’s glittering promise of self-actualisation.

There’s never even time to face our own utter emptiness. There’s a debt which needs to be repaid first.


Most people are so busy slaving for everyone else that they never get to realize that the primary slavemaster is their own mind.

It is only when we sometimes somehow miraculously break out of this pattern, that we suddenly actually face our own SELVES.

Perhaps we actually succeeded? Perhaps we actually “made it”… and now we’re facing the utter emptiness of this fact? Be it money, be it success?

It is now that we are really alone, alone with our own selves, with no one else to blame, nothing else to do, just the utter emptiness of existence, and it is now that we either accept it… or fell into the abyss of disaffection, depression, disconsolation…


The primary slavemaster is our own mind.

At the end freedom is always in our hands but we fear the freedom, we fear it’s unpredictability, it’s responsibility, it’s vastness and mysteriousness.

Our mind finds every kind of diversion to escape it, every kind of pattern to fit in to and establish itself there, permanently, eternally.

Either we find it in the conditioning of this society, it’s empty pursuits and meaningless ideals, or we manufacture our own set of ideas, which we will blindly follow for the rest of our mindless lives.

Such is the working of our mind, and only in understanding of it’s workings, only there is freedom.