What is the value of beauty?
Does beauty actually have value?
Does beauty have a purpose?
Is beauty vain?
Is beauty sacred?
Beauty is simply the quality of The Beautiful
What is The Beautiful?
The Beautiful is good
The Beautiful is true
The Beautiful is delightful and joyful and salubrious and hopeful
What is The Beautiful?
The Beautiful is the life well lived
The Beautiful is a beautiful place to live in
The Beautiful is love between two beautiful lovers
The Beautiful is work well done
The Beautiful is the useful and the efficient and the intelligent
This is the meaning of beauty
Beauty is the quality of a life well lived
If you don’t know beauty then you’re doing something wrong
The better you live the more beauty you know
Is beauty a worthy pursuit?
You don’t pursuit beauty
You welcome beauty into your life
Beauty without the beautiful is no true beauty
It’s a shiny plastic and a gaudy ring and fake tits in pink latex
It’s empty and meaningless
Beauty without the beautiful, beauty without the source, beauty which is not true beauty but it’s imitation — that is a perversion, a deviation, a corruption
And it perverts and deviates and corrupts
It should only sway you from the path of the beautiful
It should distract you and beguile you
And you should not know true beauty
And you should not find any meaning in it
And you should not find any meaning in this life
…you don’t pursuit beauty — for it results in false beauty — which deludes you and separates you from the true beauty — and the truth about life
You welcome beauty into your life
Please be simple