

even when you’re a thinker – there’s still some cunt who thinks you should be going about your thinking-business some other way


…like there’s some single, “pure” way of being a thinker


there is NOT a single, “pure” way of being a thinker

you’re just a thinker — or not

you think — or not

if you’re pretending to be a thinker — you’re simply not a thinker. That’s YOUR loss. I don’t care


don’t worry about philosophy-police. it’s they who need to be released from their duty — not you


think all you want about what you want

figure it all out, in and out

be willing to share your discoveries, without regard for your own inexorable ignorance, nor for the lack of better discernment of those who chose to listen

we are all born to be thinkers

and we are all burdened by necessity to think for ourselves