Philosophy Spirituality

Thirst For Knowledge Is Just Thirst


Thirst for knowledge is just thirst.

It implies thirst.

Thirst. A burning need. A desire. A LACK.


When you’re lacking — you are poor.

You are poor and suffer from all it’s afflictions. You poor condition permeates your being. You become poor at heart, poor at mind, poor at soul, and poor in life. Your mind doesn’t discriminate. POOR IS POOR.


LACKING is not a permanent state. There are no permanent states. Lacking is a mental state. YOU YOURSELF make it permanent through your thought-actions. And now you’re poor and lacking.


What is this thirst for knowledge?

Is it something desirable? Is it something admirable?

Thirst for knowledge is just thirst. It implies lack. It is actually based on LACK.

Why are you so hungry for knowledge?

Does it not just imply that you are starving?

You are so desperate because you want to fill a certain glaring HOLE in your life, don’t you?

There is some problem which you hope to solve by the acquisition of knowledge.

Knowledge you don’t yet have.

But you are getting it.

And you are getting it because you don’t have it.

Thus, reinforcing the LACKING paradigm.


There are so many vile ways in which our old ways drag us to the ground…

As long as you keep IMPROVING YOURSELF — you will ALWAYS BE IMPERFECT.

You must cease acting out of lacking paradigm once as for all. In every aspect of your life. There is no other way.


It sounds innocent, even.

And yet “knowledge is power”.

You are just chasing power, aren’t you?

Whatever that you’re chasing — you are on the chase.

Stop chasing and just be. Chase is the ultimate illusion.


Thirst for knowledge?

Let it go.

Become IGNORANT again.

It is only from ignorance that CURIOSITY can spring out.

Your “thirst for knowledge” is just corrupted. It’s as corrupted as the desire for power, or wealth, or possession, and the corresponding addiction and attachment.

You can’t build on this LACK and DESIRE. Because then you only get more LACK and more DESIRE.

You must STOP LACKING instantaneously. Right NOW.