Philosophy Spirituality

Thought is Not Intelligence

Intelligence is not the act of thinking.

Intelligence is a quality.

Thinking can be either intelligent or stupid.

It’s usually stupid. Stupid, and repetitive!


Thinking is often glorified. Especially the vain thinking, stupid thinking.

Which leads to more stupid thinking.


Intelligence doesn’t need thought. We only need so much thought to survive, or thrive.


The truth unravels in an insight. Thought can’t lead to the truth.

The truth about human condition is obvious when you look at it – and fathomless if thought about.


Thought doesn’t end the suffering. Understanding does.


Thought doesn’t bring communion with the other person. Love does.


Thought is just thought. It’s a tool. It’s useless outside the scope of it’s usefulness.


Intelligence is not even comparable with thought. It’s like comparing intelligence with nail and a hammer.


Don’t glorify thought. Don’t confuse thought with intelligence.

Please don’t think more. Think more clearly. Take great care of your foundations. Thought is word is conditioning. The quality of your thought will result from the quality of your information.


Don’t confuse thought with insight. Thought is a stupid tool. Insight is the truth. When you watch vigilantly – this is insight. When you understand – this is insight.

Thought is just words. It ultimately is devoid of intrinsic value.



To solve your problems, the real problems – be extremely vigilant and sensitive. Inner problems dispel in the light of understanding.

To solve the rest of the problems – the petty outside problems – use your brain. Use your thought. This is the use for it.