Lifestyle Philosophy

Time Mastery

Time mastery is mastering the use of time.

Mastering the use of time means getting the most out of the time that you are given.


Getting the most out of time you are given requires two conditions:

-Understanding the VALUE of time

-Ability to manage the time-resource


The value of time is equal to the maximum value of what you can get for that time.

Just like the value of a $100 is equal the the maximum value of what you can get for that money.

This is how you value time.

When you have too much time at hand and too little things that inspire you — you don’t value your time.

But when you have many great things going on — and too little time to devote to all of them — you truly learn it’s value


The second part of the equation is ability to MANAGE time,

We take this for granted.

Can you answer with any accuracy the first 5 things which consume the most of your time, and how much?

Can you answer with any accuracy the first 5 things which consume the most of your money, and how much?

We are bad at numbers


Does living a “good life” require you to turn your life into a fucking bureaucracy?

It shouldn’t. It shouldn’t be so complicated.

But we live in the modern world. Modern world in which there is overabundance of options.

Overabundance of options — and yet — we are not even free to live. “The only animal that has to pay to live on the planet”.

Problems entail solutions. Problem of modernity requires a slightly modern solution,

I do believe that if you live in the western world — you should have a clue about the world.

I do believe if you play the “modern games” — you should get good at them,

I do believe you should get VERY organised with your time — unless you already largely liberated yourself from the system.


Thus you must learn to manage time,

It requires intelligence, organisation, strategy, and even ingenuity.

It’s a skill like any other.

You learn it by trial and error,

By setting goals — contriving a strategy — executing that strategy — observing the outcomes — and comparing them with the goals you set. Then repeat.

The more precise goals you set — the more precisely you execute— the more meticulously you then analyse the outcomes and draw conclusions — the sooner you’ll get good at it.


Now, if you don’t value time — of course you won’t master time.

If you don’t value time then what goals do you even have? You don’t care if you lose time, you don’t care what you get for your time — so of course you won’t set goals — and of course you won’t care — and of course you won’t learn anything,

Getting organised for the sake of organisation, without actually valuing that which you’re attempting to attain — is perverted, sick. You are better off doing nothing. At least you don’t feed the lie.



You can be very desperate about time — but until you get organised — your desperation will account to nothing,

Many men are desperate about money — but they fail to set in motion any wealth-building strategy. Any.


Therefore your mastery of time is contingent on both how much you VALUE TIME — and then how good you get at MANAGING TIME.

If you observe the society, human beings — you will observe how those two factors interplay and result in one’s attitudes towards time,

Not everyone is a lazy bum but they still fail to make the life of their own design,

Not everyone is utterly disorganised but they still fail to choose what they truly want to do,

Observe and learn, so that you can do better


Because you will one day run out of time — therefore I dare say you actually would like to master time,

But perhaps you don’t truly value time so much. Perhaps you’re confused,

Or perhaps you fail to get organised. Fail to get disciplined,

Audit your life and fix what is necessary, when you still have the time