Philosophy World

Never Engage In Time-wasting Activities – Even If They Pay You For It

NEVER waste time

NEVER waste ANY resources, ever

Not even when they pay you for it


We waste our time on entertainment

creation of it and consumption

We waste our resources on useless shit

creation of it and consumption

Then we ask where our life went, where our money went


It’s no matter the world pays for it

You pay for it

You know you could be doing something that would make this world a richer place, physically, spiritually…

You know that the world you build is the world you inhabit

Yet you reduce yourself to serving what you know is not you and even know to be wrong

You know, you all know, you could be doing something more meaningful

You all know that the world doesn’t need another pair of sneakers

But you supply it

Because the world reaches out for it, numbly


Well here i say it for myself and the rest of the world that if you know it to NOT be of value — it’s NOT. Whether the world is paying for it or not.

For as long as we continue doing shit job and continue selling shit — we will be sold shit and suffer terribly done service.


This is not to justify failing to earn either,

You must create value

It’s been said time and time again because it’s true

Please be simple

Don’t do useless stuff

Respect yourself and the very little time you have here

+The world should respect you too