
is it ok to fucking suck?

It’s ok to fail.

It’s not ok to suck.

Fail fast and grow.

(if you can’t fail fast then fail slow — but GROW)

Don’t fail without good reason.

Fail then grow — so that you are actually good at something,

so that you innovate, so that you elevate, so that you push the envelope


If you suck and don’t grow — GIVE UP!!!

Not growing is a crime.

You have no time to NOT grow

If you’ve any potential — then you must REALIZE it

if you’ve anything to give — then you must give!

solely by the virtue that nothing else makes sense,

the law of nature is that of evolution, of change, of growth,

evolve, change, grow


Is it ok to SUCK when it indulges you?

For fun? As a hobby? Out of “passion”?


It’s no true passion if you’re not growing with it.

Word “hobby” implies something you do NOT seriously, in the time free from your “work”, which itself is implied as something you do seriously and unavoidably. This is nonsense. Choose what you want to do and find a way to do it. And whatever it is that you EVER DO — do it seriously, and fucking properly


It’s not ok to suck

It’s ok to fail

Be bad, but LEARN