Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Do Every Single Thing to the Best of Your Ability and with Your Entire Being

I don’t care if it’s highly or lowly; a highly pursuit or lowly endeavour

I don’t care if it benefits you in the world, or has no bearing on your future whatsoever

I don’t care if it benefits the world or not

I don’t care if your boss is a dick and underpays you

I don’t care if you’re meant for greater things

I don’t care how small and trivial and quotidian it is

Whatever you do — do it 100000%

Do it to the uttermost of your ability

Do it with your entire heart


The business argument, worldly argument, follows:

whatever you do well — rewards you well

and it’s the obvious (not obvious enough for most men, unfortunately) truth

It doesn’t matter how basic it seems — you do it better, you do it faster — and the world will reward you


A deeper, more holistic, psychological argument goes:

How you do the smallest thing is how you do every thing

Your habit of doing things is how you do things

Your standards are the standards you bring to everything you take on

The quality you espouse is the quality which permeates every aspect of your life


The deepest truth however, the spiritual truth, if you will, states:

Whatever it is that you do at this very moment, be it scrubbing the floors, reading this text, changing the world, taking your dog out, sleeping at a conference…

…at this moment – this moment is your ENTIRE LIFE

and at this moment, what you’re doing is what you’re DOING WITH YOUR LIFE

and by taking responsibility for this moment — you’re taking responsibility for your life

and what you’re going to do with this moment is what you’re going to do with your life

and you either embrace it fully, give it 1000% of your attention, 1000% of your engagement, 1000% of your care and love and appreciation

or you walk out


and i don’t care how LOWLY that is or highly

I don’t care what you think of it

I don’t care how you ended up there

I don’t care why you’re doing this

That moment is THE moment

That doing is THE doing

Therefore you give it EVERYTHING YOU GOT

Like it’s the last thing you get to do in this world

Like it’s the last thing you get to know in this world

Like it’s the last time you get to breathe

You will do it like it’s your life’s work

Because it is your life’s work

Those 5 minutes or 5 hours or 5 days — in that 5 minutes, in that 5 hours, in that 5 days — this was EVERYTHING you knew, EVERYTHING you were

Do you want to make it sub-par?

Or do you want to make it beautiful


And please believe me

You can make it beautiful

And it’s not for your boss and it’s not for the world and it’s not for your family and it’s not to avoid trouble and it’s not even for yourself

It’s because you understand that this is the only way of doing things

That this is the only way of living life