Lifestyle Spirituality

(True) Honesty Alone Could Solve Your Problems

You want “A”, you say “B”, you think “C, you do “D”, you expect “E”, get “F” and accept only “G”…

you are in conflict,

you do not know yourself,

you are not honest with yourself,

you are not honest with others either.


I believe a sweeping practice of honesty could alone solve your many problems.

If you are not honest with others, how can you communicate with them?

If you are not honest with yourself, how do you know what to do? How do you know ANYTHING?


You can’t know yourself if you don’t accept yourself.

Whenever you don’t accept something, you are imposing your opinion on that thing, thus preventing yourself from truly perceiving it.


You have to accept yourself. You have to be honest with yourself.

You will be astonished to learn how much other people appreciate honesty! You don’t need a mask – we are all the same.

You will be yet more astonished to realize you’ve been lying to yourself your whole life… telling yourself how you should feel, what you should be, what you should do… when you don’t really believe it.


True HONESTY could alone solve your problems.

There is no question of doing something that you hate when you are honest with yourself.

There is no question of betraying one’s own self when you are honest with yourself.

There is no question of dissatisfaction when you are honest with yourself.

There is no question of doubt when you are honest with yourself.


It’s a simple practice, yet incredibly subtle.

It’s a reductive process — honesty is lost underneath the layers of lies, impressions and ideas.

The trick is to reestablish connection with one’s own truthfulness.