Lifestyle Spirituality

The True Meaning of KARMA

Perhaps you’ve heard the expression “karma comes around”.

Karma is a concept present in various eastern religions . Supposedly good deeds contribute to “good karma”, whereas bad deeds lead to “bad karma” and suffering.

Such belief certainly provides the sweetest consolation in the face of mistreatment or ingratitude! We basically get rewarded for our noble deeds. And all the suffering at the hands of others – it will only ricochet back at the wrongdoers.

Perhaps it is a bit too pleasing to imagine. Heaven is not entirely plausible to imagine either.

Perhaps there is heaven and/or perhaps there is “karma”.

But it’s a matter of belief – not a matter of facts.

There is, however, a far deeper meaning to this notion of “karma coming around”. Far deeper then psychological consolation or this trivial sense of earthly justice.


You build the world for yourself with your ACTIONS.

What you get is what you give.

What you do is what you are doing, doing in your life.

How you treat others — are the relationships you have — is how you are being treated.

How you view this world is how this world is for you.

Essentially, your actions, your views, your attitudes and your decisions – all compose the very world for you to live.

Call it “bad karma” – but you can effectively RUIN your life.

Call it “bad karma” – but you can make this world an ugly place to live.

Call it “bad karma” – but you are not going to get anything else from people then what you are giving.

Call it “bad karma” – but if you build your life, build your world, on dishonesty, on cunning, on wile, on violence – the world is going to be nothing else, but that – a treacherous, cutthroat, hostile, WRETCHED place to live.


There is no fucking good to be attained through wrong. You can’t elevate yourself from the unjust world by unjust means. You are the unjust world. You MAKE the world.

You make the world with how you interact with others, with how you go through this life, with how you understand this condition of being human…

You make the better world now, and not in any other moment in time. And you make it worse now, and not in any other moment in time.

This is the truth meaning of karma coming around.

Only, there’s no coming around.

You LIVE the KARMA you’re producing.

Live well.