Lifestyle World

You Are Thine Only Metric

You can’t know how well you’re doing, comparing yourself to the world


Are you supposed to be working hard?

Are you supposed to have a crazy life?

Are you supposed to “make great things”?

Are you supposed to be honourable and self-sacrificial?

Are you supposed to shine like tits on your instagram feed?

Are you supposed to denounce worldly vanities and live like a monk?

Are you supposed to be a billionaire yet?


See you hear all this conflicting nonsense and you just can’t know

Parents tell you to go to school and then get a job

Some guru tells you to quit the school and be an entrepreneur

Your girl wants you to spend more time with her

Your idol wants you to dedicate all your time to work

Your spiritual influencer wants you to be peaceful and transcend ambition

Your business influencer wants you to be a millionaire yet, it’s so easy!


You can’t listen to this nonsense

Money can happen quick or can take a very long time

Or not happen at all

Success in “all areas of your life”, LIFESTYLE success and what not — maybe you will taste it when you’re 24

Maybe when you’re 42


Every prescription seller is a charlatan

He can deservedly be successful

He can actually be a great influence and coach

But it still doesn’t mean he understands his own success


Losers rationalise their failure

Climbers rationalise their climb

“Winners” rationalise their success


We scoff the loser in his pathetic rejection of responsibility

We don’t scoff the winner for his nonsense rants and hundreds delusional causes why he’s the winner and you’re not


Indeed it’s easier to explain why something doesn’t work then why something works

Few people in the world know how to make a million in a minute — but almost anyone could quickly figure out how to spend it

Criticising the nonsense excuses is easy. You pick all his stupid decisions — like his wastefulness, wrong career choices and idleness — and you have a sound argument to why he’s not exactly a “winner” — but instead a fucking loser

It is more difficult to criticise the esoteric arguments of the “winners” and success stories

But just because you can’t prove them wrong doesn’t mean they are right.


Please eat the charlatan’s prescriptions

Indeed you should TRY THEM ALL

Chances are you will quickly prove if they work or not

And you have much more to gain if they work then you have to lose if they don’t work


I just want you to not be so mortified that you’re not some multi-millionaire internet-famous 10-books-a-day 100-extra-iq-points fucking bat-cave-dwelling buddha

Get over this fucking nonsense


In this world you are your only metric

Your success in life is measured by your level of consciousness

(That will directly rub off on your well-being and happiness)

Your success in the world will PERHAPS be measurable some time from now

It is not guaranteed, no matter what some “guru” says

And if you want some immediate feedback — the only thing you can measure is how ACCOUNTABLE you are

You can’t know how BIG is big enough

You can’t know how QUICKLY your GROWING should occur

You can’t know how much work is enough, how much sweat and tears to produce (and if it accounts to anything but sweat and tears)

The world will give you bullshit goals and bullshit targets that you’re supposed to be satisfied with or horrified without

Fuck all that!

The only thing you can measure is how accountable you are

How sincere you are

Whether you’re actually making things happen

No matter how small

Because you can’t know what is small

You can only know if you did it