Philosophy World

Value and Forgetfulness

Data has value.

Just like gold has value.

Data is stored.

Just like gold is stored.

We retrieve the data from the store in order to access it’s value.

Just like we retrieve the gold from our safe in order to sell it and cash out on it’s value.



If you had forgotten where your gold is, or the code to your safe — your gold is lost — and so is your value.


Why the fuck would you forget VALUABLE DATA?

Do you hate value?


You understand that data has value, information has value.

But there’s so much data these days, so much information, that to manage it is a challenge in and of itself

If you were showered with gold — that would be a challenge to find a safe room for it all, would it not?

But you would find that room.

So why won’t you do the same with DATA? With information?


You don’t because you’re a mindless monkey, surrounded by monkeys.

Your monkey brain forgets that DATA, that INFORMATION, is power, and has value.

You’re not used to such valuables.

And to make matters worse — every other monkey around you forgets that as well.

And you — good monkey that you are — predominately learn from other monkeys

Therefore you kind of forget to VALUE VALUABLE DATA

And then you forget to NOT forget it, to store it safely in your brain


This is unacceptable

We are sleeping on gold, and don’t even know it

And then we’re surprised someone is doing better than us. With the same access to the same resources. Surely he’s a fraud, right?

Or maybe he’s just not wasting all this gold. Maybe he actually makes use of it


It’s UNACCEPTABLE to forget ANYTHING valuable

I don’t care what you do. Make a note. Train your memory. Doesn’t matter.

What matters is that you stop losing value