Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Vulnerable, but Also EMOTIONALLY

There’s the entirety of your psyche: what you want, what you like, what you do, what drives you, etc

It’s your thoughts and feelings and actions

You feel more or less comfortable with revealing this PSYCHE of yours


We tend to feel the most comfortable with our actions — since everyone can see them

We feel somewhat confident with our thoughts — since we can watch them, be aware of them, verbalise them, and verify their coherence. “I’m so logical”

Perhaps we’re least comfortable with our feelings


Feelings make us uncomfortable

DIRECTLY, and indirectly

E.g. SADNESS us uncomfortable directly

But also, FEAR can be uncomfortable indirectly. E.g. you don’t want to admit that you’re scared


We ourselves are poor at understanding our emotions

We are confused where they come from and why

We are confused about the logic behind them

We like to rationalise them, e.g. “I am angry because of this!”

But rationalisation is not rational, just appearance of rationality

If you want rationality — you need understanding

We are poor at understanding emotions

We are poor at dealing with emotions

Thus emotions make us feel uncomfortable



The thing about your PSYCHE, and being able to REVEAL IT,

is that unless you have that CAPACITY to REVEAL it — FEAR of being UNRAVELLED will utterly CRIPPLE you

This is the very meaning of VULNERABILITY, ABILITY to be VULNERABLE

If you can’t be vulnerable — you have to ARMOUR UP

And when you ARMOUR UP — you can’t move, can’t see

You only see the little that’s visible through your visor.

And you move slowly and awkwardly, the armour is cumbersome

And you’re drained because the armour is heavy

And you’re paranoid because you’re looking for blows from every direction

And then you die anyway


This is why you’d rather be vulnerable


And perhaps you’re wise enough to SPEAK SINCERELY and DIRECTLY

Perhaps you don’t beat around the bush, perhaps you don’t bullshit,

perhaps you SAY what you think

and perhaps you ASK for what you WANT

and perhaps you’re willing to stand for your opinions and views

This is all very admirable


And perhaps you are not afraid of BEING SEEN

Of taking public risks

Of failing publicly

Perhaps you have been desensitized to attention

Perhaps you have been desensitized to awkwardness

Perhaps you have been desensitized to failure


But do you know what you’re still afraid of?

Your emotions

Because you don’t control them

Because you don’t understand them

Because you can’t explain them rationally, or at all

And honestly, because they are both too personal…

….and too impersonal


Emotions are too personal — because they are so deeply within

And yet they are also too impersonal

For you DON’T DEFINE yourself in terms of your emotions. You’d rather define yourself in terms of something you control

And yet your emotions DEFINE YOU ANYWAY


And this is why, if you truly want to be free,

If you truly want to be free of burden

If you truly want to be liberated and be able to move again, FLY again,



NOT some bullshit “emotional story”, mind you

Not some cinematic bullshit

REAL emotions

There’s nothing complicated about it actually

The complicated part is actually getting real, actually NOT bullshitting yourself,

This is hard if you’ve been doing this your entire life

But it’s simple

There’s an EMOTION

And you ADMIT IT

That’s all there is to it

Simple but not easy


You want to admit it, first to yourself

Then to others, why not


And again: you don’t decide what is “vulnerable”, and what is “personal”,

Your only role is to ADMIT the EMOTION

Whether it’s easy or hard

Whether you think it defines you or not

Whether you think it’s personal or not

Whether you think it makes you look great or horrible

The only thing to, and the only RIGHT thing to do — is to admit it

Acknowledge it

Own it


If you can’t do that, you won’t be free from it

If you can’t do that, you can’t think, actually

Emotions are a form of cognition. Those are built-in heuristic designed for you to intuitively navigate through life

If you can’t work with them — they will work against you

They will distort your perception of reality

And you will be blind

You will be crazy, actually


And the more something relies on emotions, on instinct, on HUMANITY — the more you’ll fail it


Genuine purpose


If you’re emotionally disabled — those will be disabled


Be vulnerable instead

Be vulnerable emotionally

Be vulnerable — for you will be vulnerable anyway

You will be weak and you will be sad and then you will die

Might as well own it

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