
Getting Results And Wanting Results

I don’t want “results”

I do things

And I do them right


There’s the right way of doing things

There’s the way of doing things to the best of you ability

There’s how things work

Once you stop deluding yourself — the right way is the ONLY way

It’s impossible to do things the wrong way if you truly know what is the right way

It’s only our ignorance and delusion which causes us to do things wrong

Therefore it’s ignorance and delusion which are the problem


It’s ignorance and delusion which are the problem

Not your wants and wills


Or rather: your wants and wills are only contributing to your delusion

Your wants and wills distort the reality

You can’t do the right thing if your perception of reality is distorted

You can’t get where you must go if your map doesn’t reflect the reality


I don’t want results

And the more one wants results — the more they are deluded


“But doesn’t determination improve one’s performance?”

Determination and enthusiasm are different to need and desire

Enthusiasm pertains to reality — desire pertains to dreams

Determination is a function of single-mindedness and clarity

Need is a function of psychological lack


One can be enthusiastic about the reality

One can be dedicated to truth and how things work

One can navigate this reality according to one’s vision and preferences, and in an objective way

All that is very different to the oppressive nature of WANT, desire, need


There’s nothing more to say,

You know what you should do?

Don’t think about what you want today — just DO what you want, what you CAN do RIGHT NOW

And don’t PLAN today miles ahead your grand conquests of this vain world — instead consider what you can do RIGHT NOW, TODAY, that will benefit you TOMORROW

Desire is but a proviso to be unhappy, as a wise man said

Get rid of it and just do the right thing