
Warning About Virtual Reality

Some time from now we will have rehabilitation centres focused on RE-WIRING the utterly NUMBED brain and healing the FRIED synapses — from the years of electronic overindulgence.


I will continue to rant about this because virtual reality is 100% a drug. It’s addictive, extremely pleasurable, it’s CHEAP, it’s an EASY escape— and it’s unpredictably dangerous, potentially just fatal.

And like every drug as it appears to the addict — it disguises itself as completely benign. With the adverse effects concealed — until it’s too late.


I’m obviously not questioning the vast benefits of technological progress.

What I call for is EXTREME cautiousness and AWARENESS of the effects of the medicine we’re taking.


Please be alive.

Talk to real people, looking them in the eyes. Arm around shoulder. Be physical, warm and PRESENT.

Walk out onto the real world. Lie in the sun. Let the breeze play with your hair.

Get naked! Take a swim! Make love! Pick up a fruit from the tree! Smell it and taste it and eat it!

Do something new. Do something new every day.

Please be alive.