Lifestyle Spirituality

“Wasting Time”

the solution to the problem of “wasting time” is not the “being productive”

the solution to the problem of “wasting time” is “NOT wasting time”


we think this problem and this sin of “wasting time” emerged in relation to our shortcomings:

-we want things

-but we fail to produce them, fail to produce desired results

-we fail to produce in our un-productivity

that is what we think is the nature of this “time-wasting” problem


alas “wanting” is insatiable

the way we want — it’s an existential wanting — the wanting to be good enough, so that we can be permanent enough, so that we can actually…last

we are wanting COMPLETION

we seek that completion in producing

and our failure to produce is the scapegoat

our un-productivity is a scapegoat for our existential angst

(one of them anyway)


un-productivity is a scapegoat

it’s a stupid concept

HOW PRODUCTIVE is good enough?

HOW MUCH is good enough?

HOW GOOD is good enough?

HOW GOOD do you have to be to be SIGNIFICANT?


you can’t be “productive” enough

because you could always be more productive

and you can’t be good enough

because you will fucking die anyway

you ain’t going to heaven. you ain’t going to hell either, at least as long as you don’t bring hell here on earth

you will die anyway

you can’t be good enough to not die, to be significant, to be significant enough so as to be permanent, lasting, immortal



is the problem of “wasting time” illusionary, like “un-productivity”?


you can’t be “productive enough”, true

but you can waste time


is “time-wasting” defined in relation to productivity?


“time wasting”, or NOT wasting, is defined in relation to how SINCERELY you’re living

to how sincerely you’re probing into this existence

how sincerely you probe into you, the main character of this tale (from your limited perspective anyway)

and what you do with this story

and will you appreciate this gift

or will you waste it


see how do we solve “time wasting”?

we cease fucking wasting time

we don’t DO what we KNOW is not worthwhile

we don’t engage in the petty and trivial

we have a sense of urgency about this existence

and each day we welcome anew

and choose anew what to do with it


see productivity is not the opposite of “time-wasting”

you can be “productive” and it’s all worthless

and you have never lived

oh and “living” is not the opposite of “time wasting” either

don’t “try” to “live”, like you have some points to score, in some stupid game

that too is the same perversion as productivity — you trying to EARN your own approval and satisfaction

don’t try to earn it

there’s nothing to earn, nothing to accumulate

all you’ll ever accumulate will go straight to hell in no time

don’t try to earn it


LIVE now

don’t be petty, now

be PRESENT, now

CHOOSE what is the BEST use of your very, VERY limited time, NOW

then do it, 100000%