Lifestyle World

Weakness Transcends the Weak and Corrupts the Whole

The moment we permit weakness — in ourselves OR others — we open the gate for degeneration and withering


“Oh but isn’t weakness human?”, you might ask

Weakness isn’t human

To fail is human, yes

To stay weak isn’t human

To stay weak is to die

To live is human

To die is to cease being human, to die is to be fucking dead


I don’t want you to dominate the world

I don’t want you to worship the silly god of strength

I just want you to not be weak

The moment we permit weakness — in ourselves OR others — we open the gate for degeneration and withering


And this is exactly what is happening right now

We’re too soft

Too comfortable

Too sensitive

Too full of ourselves

Too clean

Too green


And it’s your fault

“They want us weak”

You want you weak

They want us weak?

Yes. No.

Organisation of society presupposes power beyond the weak — thus maintaining order and organisation

Sure “they” want us weak

But not too weak

Not too weak because too weak is useless. Too useless

And useless extends in every direction: you’re useless = you’re useless to you = you’re useless to them


I laugh at today’s culture

I like to stay apolitical but can’t help but laugh at today’s culture

Because this nonsense reflects our nonsense, doesn’t it?

We’re so feeble and serious and offended and oppressed

It’s like the challenge of the day is to be the opposite

In the dark past of humanity — the challenge used to be to not be miserable, not be awful, not be evil, not die

Today, in our all-too-comfortable modernity — the challenge is to not be a fucking wimp


Indeed we’re too comfortable

This made us weak

We have no war, no real plague, no calamities, no famine,

We don’t know what it means to struggle

We create our own struggles, sure. Made up stupid struggles and dramas,

But all that is a big joke,

All your “great struggles” begin with coffee, in an air-conditioned room, and end with a beer, in warm blanket in front of a TV

No wonder you’re depressed! If all your problems and suffering is made up — how can you alleviate it?! How can you solve problems which don’t exist?

Get real problems. Toughen up. Get some purpose.


Weakness transcends the weak and corrupts the whole

The moment we permit weakness — in ourselves OR others — we open the gate for degeneration and withering


Perhaps that’s what makes it INTERESTING

Life is not perfect, life is harsh,

Life is harsh and that means it will not always end beautifully

Life is harsh and some of us will fail, despite our struggles

This is because some of us are TOO WEAK,

And some of those weak WILL adapt, and become stronger,

And some will DIE

And this is the way things are

And to deny this is to deny the truth — which is to lie

The world is not made better with lies — no matter how comforting these lies are

By permitting weakness, by denying weakness — we not only damage ourselves — we damage the whole


What is wrong — is wrong

You correct it — or you suffer

What is wrong — is wrong

You correct someone whose wrong — he corrects his actions and views — or suffers

He becomes better — for his own sake — and for the sake of the society he belongs too

Or he still degenerates — suffering the consequences — and lowering down the society he belongs too


This is not to say we shouldn’t do our best to help others out of their weakness

Again: by improving the lowest — we improve the whole (by improving ANY part of the whole — we improve the whole whole)


“Survival of the fittest” is not that “the fittest” obliterates all the less fit… how does he benefit from that? He can only utilize, consume so many resources!

“Survival of the fittest” really means that those UNFIT will perish, will die.

It’s NOT STRENGTH which is the problem. It’s not the tyranny of “the fittest”

It’s the weakness of the lowest


And again: some of that weakness can’t be remedied, and the suffering and eventual extinction are inevitable

Much of it can be helped, and ought be helped

And it is helped by correcting that weakness

By tempering the mind and body and spirit, strengthening it

If it fails — it fails

If it doesn’t — good for everyone


What we do instead is permit this “weakness” in ourselves and others,

We permit obvious weakness, basic weakness: weakness in our pursuits, weakness in our discipline, weakness of our word,

We not only don’t correct it — we LET IT run loose and damage the system

It’s time to wake up

Glut and comfort weakened us

Weakness isn’t human

To fail is human, yes

To stay weak isn’t human

To stay weak is to die

