Philosophy World

We’re All Ignorant

Beyond certain level we are all ignorant


You despise the ignorant but you’re ignorant yourself

Eventually you reach a level at which you fail to improve

You no longer can appreciate what is an improvement and how to bring it. That inability is how you are ignorant. Ignorant of potential improvements.


Conversely: We fail to appreciate our own ignorance

We think we reach objective boundaries of competence, quality

We really only reach our limits


It is now a double fucking ignorance: we are ignorant of the possibility of improvement, and we are ignorant of our own ignorance

If we were merely ignorant of possible improvements — we could still stumble upon them

We are however ignorant of the possibility of their existence — and when they manifest — we will be blind to them


…and then there are further levels of ignorance

The ever-growing edifice of knowing is just this ever thickening smoke of ignorance


…we’re all ignorant.

Not just the fool

You’re ignorant too

You’re ignorant of your own ignorance

You don’t know that you know fuck all

That too is ignorance


Ignorance really is a universal problem

It’s impossible to say “knowledge” without saying “ignorance”

The moment you know is the moment you’re ignorant


How do we deal with this ignorance?

You’d advice the ignorant fool to educate himself. Don’t just spout about the flat earth and what not

Take the same advice

Take the same advice and stfu

Stay open-minded


Learn and learn and learn

Without ever saying “I know”

and you may just know
