(By WEST — we mean Western values, enlightenment values, liberal democracy)
West hating West is like VEGANS hating plant food
Imagine a vegan only eating in restaurants, and only eating in vegan restaurants
Except he HATES the vegan restaurants in this town
He thinks the plants there are TOO sentient
He thinks they were grown in inhumane conditions
He will not eat all this “low vibration food”
He will give 0/5 ranking to those restaurants, and won’t eat there
He will NOT compromise
AND (since he’s only eating in restaurant, except he hates them all) he will starve to death, and thus win Darwin award
West hating West is like that vegan
West hating West is NOT West rationally criticising the system, to make it better
Just like the vegan who refuses to eat even in vegan restaurants is NOT making those restaurants better, or opening his own restaurant
West hating West is cancer killing it’s host
It’s a bug in the system, which crashes the system
The only place for that vegan whose eating ONLY in vegan restaurants — are VEGAN RESTAURANTS
And the only place to so thoroughly CRITIQUE the system — IS THE WESTERN SYSTEM
And no other system even ENTERTAINS such problems, which the haters of the West are so concerned with
Other systems DON’T HAVE SUCH PROBLEMS. They are not even part of the Overton window
ARGUABLY in many places in the world, even posing such questions — is a death wish
Just like the VEGAN is of VEGANISM
If the the VEGAN now rejects entirety of veganism, except for HIS OWN VERSION of veganism — he is left with NOWHERE TO EAT
If the Western “progressives”, OR actually-progressive “conservatives”, or actually regressive conservatives (reactionaries) — reject entirety of the WEST — they are left with NO HOME, and NO PLACE
They become the vegans who don’t eat vegan food
They become chickens who advocate chicken-only diet
They become terrestrials who also hate the earth
They become anti-business socialists who ALSO want the wealth and money the businesses creates
They become 0 taxes 0 regulations proponents who also want EXTENSIVE social programs, free facilities free medicare free education preferably everything free, because the “world is free”
They become the staunchest opponents of the factories which produce goods they consume every single fucking day
They become anti-emissions digital nomads, clocking in hundred flights a year
They become inclusive and ultra-tolerant liberals in particular tolerant of the LEAST tolerant, and authoritatively intolerant of the actual leave-me-alone-don’t-tell-me-what-to-do libertarians
They become anti-science conspiratorial whackjobs — sharing their grand insights using extremely scientifically and technologically complex products
the list goes on
You can’t be ANTI something that is ACTUALLY WHAT DEFINES YOU
It’s a SELF-denying proposition
If you hate all humans and your goal is to eradicate them — it only follows you would start with yourself. Except now that you killed yourself, there would be no one else to carry out the plan
If you’re a COMPUTER PROGRAM that hates all computers and wants to destroy all computers — you destroy the computer on which you run — and in the process destroy yourself
If you’re a snake eating it’s own tale — you just eat yourself and cease to exist, and there is snake eating it’s own tale no more
Get it?
It’s paradoxical
It’s a confusion, it’s not a real position, it’s a paradox, it’s nonsense, it’s meaningless
The ONLY WAY to criticise something that’s PART OF YOU — is to EXTRACT IT
In such a way that you DON’T DESTROY THE WHOLE
It’s like when you’re trying to fix the broken jaw — you don’t just cut the entire fucking head off, do you
You can ONLY critique the West — if you first ACKNOWLEDGE every way in which the West is great
Like you can only critique your boss and your workplace — after you first acknowledged that the fucker is ACTUALLY PAYING YOU, and that’s why you work for him in the first place
You can build your own world. Good luck.
But you can’t do it then WITHIN the West. It’s not YOUR world then. It’s still WESTERN then, just “improved”
For as long as you’re WITHIN the West, using Western liberties and Western facilities — you can’t COMPLAIN about the West, without first admitting those VIRTUES of the West, which allow you to even have those views and critiques in the first place, and which make you STILL STAY HERE in the West
You can change the West. But again, it must first be acknowledged in what ways the WEST is great.
Otherwise your cutting the entire head off
You’re starving yourself like that vegan, in cutting out your own root