does the world change?
does your life change?
does the reality change?
does the human nature change?
does the god change?
what changes and what doesn’t?
everything changes, but the whole
everything changes in time, but the whole
the whole is changeless
everything else changes
everything else changes
but this is a vain statement
everything changes — but how rapidly?
does it change every year, or every hour?
does it change every minute, or every century?
it’s easy to say “everything changes” but this is as much as saying nothing
it’s as easy to say “nothing changes”, “the whole doesn’t change”, and this too is saying nothing
You want to know how the world is changing and how your life is changing and is the reality changing and if there is such thing as the changeless, the changeless truth, for you to know
if you want to say something meaningful about the world, it can not be vague
you can, and should, be vague about the TRANSCENDENTAL, which is beyond your explanations and proofs and rationalisations and
but about the world you must not be vague but precise
and when you speak of change — you must be precise
and when you change your life — you MUST BE PRECISE
Every day I see fools proclaim new nonsense about “this new age” and those “new days” and “this revolutionary year” and those “brave times” and this “world we’re moving into”,
It’s all stupid nonsense
Vague and meaningless
It doesn’t mean anything,
Every second infinitely many things change, and infinitely many things DON’T CHANGE
Every second you can say that “so much has changed”, and you aren’t saying anything meaningful
WHAT has changed?
WHAT is the meaning of it?
Don’t listen to pompous declamations of grand revolutions. Almost all of it is nonsense
Don’t much listen to words in the first place. Listen to ACTIONS.
And the we see those fools who believe that nothing changes,
Our venerable elders
WHAT doesn’t change?
WHAT is the meaning of it?
Don’t ask the fools because they have no answer
It’s as meaningless to say that nothing changes as it is to say that everything changes
What changes then?
Great many things change
Foremost — you could change
Every day you could do SOMETHING NEW — and that would be change
In the same time – every day — for as long as you’re alive — THAT doesn’t change. When you’re alive — the fact that you’re alive doesn’t change.
And the world, how does it change?
Every day there is some minor technological improvement,
This changes
Every now and then the world has new leaders… but their’s variation barely constitutes a change
Every year there’s a new fancy thing and new ideology and new philosophy but all that is no change at all
Every once in a while there is some major upheaval and major force sweeping over the world and it actually changes something,
Blablabla etc etc etc
It is actually not mysterious
Study history
Study data
Study your fellow human beings, and what they do
Study yourself
And you will see what changes and what doesn’t change (what changes quickly and often, and what changes slowly)
The problem is not the “how-to” required to acquire this knowledge of WHAT-CHANGES and WHAT-DOESN’T CHANGE,
The problem is to resist temptation to delude yourself with nonsense statements, such as:
-”this new era! everything changes”
-or “nothing changes under the sun”
All that sounds great and gives illusion of understanding and illusion of direction — but you don’t want illusions
Therefore look for yourself,
what is changing , REALLY?
Are those things the media and politicians and news are so dramatic about — are those really important changes? You must learn for yourself
And then, are those CONSTANTS that your elders preach, are these truly so constant and invariable?
I’m only asking that you find for yourself
I’m only asking that you ASK the questions yourself, and find the answers yourself
I’m only pointing at the prevailing delusions around the phenomenon of CHANGE
Change is real
The changeless is real
Serious one learns what changes and what doesn’t change (what changes quickly and what changes slowly and HOW quickly and HOW slowly)
He learns it for the sake of orienting himself in the world, and he learns it for the sake of life-living
AND he learns it for the sake of wisdom