Lifestyle Spirituality


I like to think what would I do if i had REAL problems,

Not my stupid problems, but REAL problems:

-If I went blind

-It I had an accident

-If my mind went dull

-If a war broke out

-If everyone I cared for died

-If electricity was gone

-If I was in pain every day

-If I lost power in my hands

-If my 5 greatest joys were all taken away from me

-If I went mad

-If all my current goals were voided, instantly doomed

-If I went broke, homeless and indebted


I “like” to think what I would do

I like to think I would handle it, though I probably wouldn’t like it at first

What matters however is that I feel tremendously grateful afterwards,

The world is so full of possibilities


And I can starve myself,

I can close my eyes,

I can leave everything dear to me for a day or two or more,

I can sit in a room quietly,

I can get drunk and get a taste of being stupid,

Sometimes I get sick,

I could live without electricity for a day or two or more

I could get in a fight

Some of those things I can simulate,

And feel grateful afterwards


Now, if you’re not solving your problems — reflecting on worse-still realities will probably only put you down

But me I’m solving my problems, and making the most of this short existence,

If something bad were to happen to me — I can’t guarantee I would get up from it — but I know that I would put up a fight

And when I think of it, I feel more empowered still, more inspired to DO MY BEST, when I still have a chance

The world is full of possibilities and rich