
Whatever It Takes

The real meaning of “whatever it takes” is “I am WILLING to pay the FULL PRICE”


That means not HALF the price, not 3/4 of the price, not 99% of the price — it means FULL price, 100% of the price.

AND IF you’re NOT willing to pay the price — you simply MOVE ON


The key part is “WILLING”; WILLING which is different to WISHING.


WISHING accomplishes nothing. Wishing is vague and weak


You need to be COGNISANT and WILLING


If you’re not cognisant — cognisant of the price — obviously you can’t know if you are willing to pay it — or even capable of paying it

And when you’re cognisant — you then must be fully WILLING to pay it — and then you do


AND THEN YOU DO — with no second thoughts — because you are COGNISANT of the price; You understand it. You understand what it entails


And you also understand that whatsoever you shall invest here (or not pay) — you would otherwise invest elsewhere.

(And should you not invest it yourself — it will be invested for you — your boss and your wife will decide where you allocate your precious time; or your family will decide where to put the money you earned)


Therefore there’s no question of loss, or even gain; You WILL invest those resources somewhere; That time, that energy, that effort, that willpower, that money, all of that

You only must be COGNISANT of the TRANSACTION — then DECIDED, which means WILLING — to go along with this transaction


…and this is all there ever is to it

And it is EFFORTLESS – like going to the grocery store and buying yourself a bilberry bun



And for most of us — unfortunately — this effort is tremendous — for we’re shrouded in UTTER CONFUSION — and it’s futile too; It’s an unending turmoil, unending chaos of confusion — we wanting this but also wanting that but also being tired but also wanting to preserve our resources and also give up nothing and also get everything for free and also we view ourselves THIS WAY and NOT THAT WAY, and all the rest of this nonsense and confusion…

If you want this chaos to end — PLEASE BE SIMPLE



-LET GO OF IT ALL – then focus on what you can focus

-KEEP YOUR WORD as you set about this single fucking thing

-Then add more

-Or don’t add. Your CLARITY is far more important then whatever you should “gain”


…the bottom line is:

It all boils down to SINGLE-MINDEDNESS

The lofty notion of doing “whatever it takes” is merely single-mindedness; Merely accepting the price and paying it;

Please do it, like a boss. Life is short. There’s no time for indecision