There’s the lovely
Which is the good, the beautiful, the uplifting, the worth living for… etc.
The point is not to define it. Let’s just call it “LOVELY”
You and I are only so capable of finding the LOVELY, and experiencing LOVE
It’s for we are distracted, myopic, narrow-minded, egotic, and POISONED
The poison of, let’s call it NEGATIVITY, sours the taste of LOVE, of BLISS
Our tunnel vision on our own selves, our little needs, our little feelings, our little thoughts, our little opinions, is obviously prevents perception of the whole. The beautiful, perfect whole
We’re distracted with our little problems, which we take a little bit too seriously, so of course we fail to pay attention to what really matters
…Until we fall in love
Which is when, momentarily, we are jolted out of our narrow, egotic trance
And what a feeling this is!
What a pleasure this is
What an inspiration, what an elevation
Of course you’re not enlightened
You’re still as incapable of appreciating the LOVELY of the world, LOVELY of the life — as you were before
You merely experienced a fragment
The fragmentary nature of this fragment is not unlike your own egotic disconnection from the greater whole
Indeed your love, that which you are experiencing, is as egotic and narrow and disjoint as the rest of your attitudes
But it’s still love
And it’s so powerful
Thus one wonders, where has it been, the whole time
The meaning, the joy, the purpose, the exaltation,
Where has it been
The conclusion is of course as misguided as the mind reasoning
The mind which only knows the self, the struggles of the self, the vain gratification of the self…
It concludes that LOVE was a function of this object, which caused that love
Whether it’s her, or him, or a dog or a fucking car
Or perhaps just a new car, a bit more broad category, but nevertheless narrow
Of course one who only ever knew the narrow, the limited, the bubble — should not think of the WHOLE, should not think of BEYOND
What has “beyond” ever given him?
Does “beyond “ even exist?
Can I even conceive of the beyond? Catch sight of? Or is it just a mirage…?
The “beyond” is discarded,
Your failure of perception is ruled out.
The simplest explanation is that this love came from this THING. This person or whatever.
The object of love is captured or not
Perhaps you never had more vigour than before, and you capture it
Or perhaps you fail to capture it
Whatever that might be — you soon find it eluding you
Whatever that might be — you soon find it ELUDING you
The feeling dissipates
The normality returns
Perhaps even that was a mirage
But you do remember how it felt
And you write a song about it
Or maybe only sometimes honour it with a shy half-smile, shy thought
But you do remember
Here’s what to do
The LOVELY of this world, of this life
It’s the celebration of that lovely
Protection of that lovely
Nourishing of that lovely
Blossoming of that lovely
Part of you is lovely
You feel some of that love when you’re really proud of yourself
You typically depend on the world to make you proud
Start making yourself proud
By doing better every day
You probably think you’re already “doing better every day”
I tell you you don’t. You’re dabbling with “doing better”, because you believe you should be doing it
If you truly did — you’d feel proud
Then more proud
And you’d feel love
Because you knew that greatness and elevation had to be the meaning of this existence
You can feel it and you know it’s true
The world is lovely
You forget that because the world kicked you in the butt
You take yourself and your little ego very seriously — therefore you take this insult, this mistreatment, very personally and very seriously
When you stop taking yourself so seriously — you can take the world more seriously
You can begin to appreciate it’s greatness and vastness and beauty
This is lovely
And WHY shouldn’t you have MORE of that lovely?
Why shouldn’t you enjoy it? You were born here. It’s your home.
And why shouldn’t you celebrate it? What else is there to celebrate?
And finally: WHY shouldn’t you PROTECT IT? And make it better still?
Isn’t THAT what we do with what we love? CARE for it?
And indeed when you do do that — you feel love
Like you loved that someone
You can love many things
Love your work
Love the world
Love the people making a change
Love the people PROTECTING from change for the worse
Love the variety
Love the ruthless struggle to evolve, which is the very reason for that variety
Love the power, the energy
THOSE are the lessons of love
When you love someone — THIS is really what you’re feeling
Someone is merely a fragmentary fragment
When you love someone — you should be thinking NOT so much of that someone — but of that LOVE
Someone is just a PRETEXT
It’s LOVE which matters
Take that pretext, and:
-care for it
-believe in it
-celebrate it
-honour it
-support it
-grow it
-flourish it
Then do the same with everything else that’s LOVELY
Or if you don’t yet recognise it as lovely — do it with that which you’re FOND OF
Of it you don’t yet recognise things you’re fond of — do it with THINGS YOU LIKE
Plain and simple like,
Take those things, and … give them some LOVE
Some care, come celebration, some hope, some joy….
This is the lesson of love