
Why Do You Care…

Why do you care about being rich if all you want to do is watch netflix and play video games? You don’t have to be a millionaire to do either


You say you want to be rich but you want to play video games

Obviously money will elude you

Because you don’t really want it and you don’t really need it

You can go watch your favourite show again


This simple reasoning is not so obvious

You want something but do you really?

If you don’t even actually need it — how do you want it? And how do you get it?

Usually you just want the IDEA of it

Like the dude whose favourite pastime is watching television and drinking beer

You can get all your money and the only thing will change is that you’ll be watching that tv in your fucking mansion


WHY do you need it?

What would you do with it?

Do you ASK for it?


Those are some better questions

Those are some serious questions

Be simple and honest with yourself