Lifestyle Philosophy

Will To Change = Know The Price

One’s willingness to change is measured in how much one is willing to PAY, to GIVE (to make that change).


The idea of “no excuses”, or conversely of “Excuses” — are both meaningless. They say absolutely nothing about how much you’re willing to pay

“No excuses” is an outright lie. Are you willing to DIE for it? Careful what you wish for.

“Excuses” are too vague and changeable to be measure of anything .



(just like how much you’re willing to spend on a car is exact)

Therefore there can only be INTENTION TO CHANGE AFTER the price has been specified.


If you manage to change without specifying the price — that means you got it by accident:

-perhaps you got it for free

-or perhaps you were duped and didn’t even realise it (careful what you wish for)


That which fails to change (you, your dog, your close ones) — must be assumed to never change — unless they get serious = specify the price

At which point it will soon be known if they should change or not


That which fails to change must not be blamed for failure to change — but MUST indeed be hold RESPONSIBLE for their DECISION to NOT CHANGE AND the REASONING behind that decision

i.e. the PRICE they are UNWILLING TO PAY — it must be presented.


This is how you actually change (or don’t change but get peace) — and this is how you decide what to do with that which fails to change.