Lifestyle Philosophy

True Wisdom Is Advantage Anywhere

True wisdom is an advantage anywhere

In any endeavour


No, being a scholar, an academic, an egghead, a nerd, a know-it-all — is NOT an advantage anywhere

It’s rather a disadvantage

An einstellung effect,

You have some clue about some narrow nonsense made up fragment of reality — and you believe it gives you the right to claim understanding of anything outside of it


True wisdom is an advantage anywhere:

-Clarity, non-delusion, not bullshitting oneself or others, patiently building

-Mastering cognitive biases, logical fallacies

-Risk-aversion when risk can ruin you — boldness when risk is localised and finite

-Perseverance vs stubbornness

-Urgency vs patience

-Open-mindedness, shoshin (beginner’s mind), kaizen (continuous improvement)


-Habits and systems building, scaling

-Actually successful planning, not dreaming

-Actually successful execution = keeping one’s word

-Actually successful prediction game

Fastidiousness vs perfectionism

-Extreme iterating, maximising the number of iterations, thus maximising adaptation and improvement rate

Learning to learn

-Building (knowledge or any creation) from strong foundation, understanding the gravity of mastering the basics

-And resulting holistic understanding of the whole system

Antifragility — building systems which always get better, stronger — whether it’s good fortune or bad fortune


This is obvious

All of those will help you in life

All of those will help you in ANY endeavour

They may not be the deciding factor in any given particular thing

But they will certainly be extremely beneficial ANYWHERE


We misunderstand wisdom, and how useful it is

You look at some imbecile sportsman, or arrogant billionaire, or crazy music star, or demagogue lying piece of shit politician,

All of them “more accomplished than you”,


And yet they are not wise,

And now you think that wisdom is useless — you think wisdom is only useful for life in general, but not for any specific discipline


You’re wrong

Again: wisdom may not be the deciding factor

Something else might be

But wisdom applies to both life — and every endeavour

Whereas that single thing which applies to that specific discipline — may not apply to any other discipline

Being tall is helpful in the NBA — AND is helpful on a boxing ring — but is not so helpful in business, is it?

Being good at math is good when you do math, good when you do physics — but not necessarily all that helpful when you’re forming relationships, is it?


Furthermore the “winners” in given field are typically losers in life

They are clowns, often

They belong in a circus

To entertain and “inspire” the bored masses

The true success is to win at EVERY ASPECT OF LIFE

Whereas artificial success of dominating a single discipline is merely an ego trip, a dog and pony show for the stupid masses to gape at


TRUE WISDOM applies to any discipline

Hell, perhaps it’s why it’s true wisdom. Because it’s so universal

Wisdom is that which make you live life wisely

Which means it applies to life

And it’s various important endeavours



You should be learning all the time

Thinking about what you read

Apply it immediately — for only then it’s real

The learn from it and learn more and learn more and repeat


Again: Wisdom is underrated

Underrated for it’s misunderstood

You think of some sharp or bookish person, whose timid and weak and accomplished neither anything in particular nor anything in general

Weakness is NOT wise

Wise man is strong

Strength rejoices in wisdom

Wisdom is acquired through action! Not through abstract words, which are meaningless until they have been applied in real life

There is no wisdom without action, no wisdom without courage, no wisdom without strength

Such man of action, of courage, of power — is WISE

And this wisdom permeates each and every single one of his endeavours

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