If you think the world is unfair — it will be. And it will fuck you in the ass
If you think someone doesn’t deserve what he’s gotten — you won’t deserve it either.
You can’t conceive what you deserve
(Nor can you conceive what is possible)
You can however ruin your chances of receiving that
You come into this beautiful world, abundant and beautiful world,
You receive all the sun you could ever want
You receive all the possibilities of making things with your two ready hands and your mind
You have access to every information you could need in this lifetime, or 10 lifetimes, or million fucking lifetimes
And what do you do?
The world is fair
The world is completely fair
As long as you’re alive — the world is fair
Minor difference are insignificant
You know they are
The rich are happy and the rich are depressed — just like you are
The successful are confident and the successful are insecure — just like you are
It’s all the same
The sun’s still in the sky, for you and for everyone else
The world is fair
But if you think it’s not fair — you’ll find a way to prove it
You’ll find a way to be miserable
You’ll find a way to make others miserable
Therefore it’s a choice
Either you continue scrambling over scrabs, minor differences, pseudo-inequalities, assumed injustice — or you focus on the abundant, focus on the positive, focus on the opportunity
And if you think this evil man doesn’t deserve his good fortune
If you think that ignoramus and that amateur don’t deserve “success”
you yourself won’t
you will PROVE that success is hard by REJECTING IT
it’s the least you can do
your subconscious is very good at giving you what you want
if the rich are evil and that fool is really incompetent and doesn’t deserve his success and the world is unfair and all the rest of it… you be the living proof of that
you be the morally-superior under appreciated genius in the unjust and confused world
or else you can embrace a different reality
a one in which the world is plentiful
there’s an opportunity for everyone
there’s a unique contribution to be made
there’s SOME way of finding your place, your own very place
and it doesn’t have to be so hard
it doesn’t have to be exclusionary
and every WINNER you see
all the undeserving and ignorant
he’s the proof that the world has it’s ways of rewarding you
and you don’t harbour any of those nasty malicious, envious, negative thoughts of him not-deserving it and world being unfair and this generation being spoiled and WHATEVER OTHER NONSENSE is GOING THROUGH YOUR HEAD
you are happy for him
in fact — you’d rather he have MORE STILL
you’d rather we ALL have more still
and then we do
and then we do
only then we do
when you don’t seek every reason under the sun to why you can’t have it
but your entire being aligns with receiving it
for yourself, for others
and then you only see opportunities
when you previously thought of reasons why something DIDN’T WORK or someone DIDN’T DESERVE IT — now you see reasons why it IS a good idea, why it is a worthy pursuit, why it WILL work out, why there will be money in the economy, why that person should appreciate you
and then they do
this is how it works my friend
reality-creation is real
so please think back to one person you harboured negative thoughts about
look back to that and now think positively of that person
he may be the lowest lowlife — in which case wish him moral and spiritual recovery — for it’s the literal hell on earth for those man; don’t make it worse for him, make it better for him
or he may be a great success and in every way “better” then you — in which case you should still wish him more success, more joy, more happiness, and more greatness
or he may be a ignorant fool, a “LUCKY” ignorant fool
and you should rejoice at this wonderful world in which so much good fortune is available to all of us
THIS is your new reality
you make that choice
and great things happen