
You And Strangers

you don’t have your credentials and numbers in your bank account next to your face in real life

you don’t have your likes and followers next to your face in real life

when you’re face to face you are naked


the beauty of strangers

is they make you a stranger

you think they can’t see who you are

they are the only ones who see you actually


among the strangers you can’t rely on the sweet comfort of


they see the real you and they force the real you out

for once


amidst the crowd you’re just another face

some say you lose your individuality

I say you lose your false self


you must recreate yourself


you must recreate yourself

you must re-convey yourself

you don’t have a fucking bio next to your face in real life

you must express yourself anew


…you must see yourself anew

you must face yourself anew

you must do away with the expedient self-story you’ve been telling yourself

with the impressive image you’ve been crafting

all those mirages were never you

the real you is the naked you

before the stranger


this is the beauty of the real people

the real relationship

not the relationship between two positions not the relationship between two offers not the relationship between two images not the relationship between two avatars

relationship between two people

contact between two people




yeah we don’t understand this “be social” thing. Think it’s merely about “having fun” or “having support” or “building a network” or “facilitating relations”, or even fucking “increasing happiness”,

It’s all that , yes, but ultimately — it’s much more perennial then this, much more deeply natural, much more inexorable and primal — and it touches deeply the all-important question of *WHO YOU ARE*


meet new people

(and convey yourself)

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