
You Are Bored For You Escape The Boredom And You Overstimulate And You Overdo And You Only Further Lose Interest As Your Interest Is Never Satisfied And So It Goes

You were greedy and you wanted more.

More toys more noise more action.

We live in some indulgent times with indulgent media indulgent internet indulgent smartphones and indulgent consumption.

You indulged and the more you indulged the less you felt, like a heroine junkie long into his downward loop…

You indulged and the more you indulged and the more you sought the “NEXT” thing, the less you could find it, like one searching for his own self everywhere but here, never realizing he has ALWAYS BEEN HERE….

INTEREST has always been here but you sought after it and you escape the BOREDOM, DESPERATELY, and thus you only become more bored and more fucking desperate…

You indulged but you did not know your SELF, and it has poisoned you…

I tell you that there is INFINITE depth to the SMALLEST THINGS… and perhaps, you can rediscover it, you can rediscover the child-like curiosity, if you cease distracting yourself, cease numbing yourself, and actually CONCENTRATE on the thing… concentrate on the moment… concentrate on what the LIFE brings you, all the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ of it, without condemning it, escaping it, or denying it…


It’s never more

It’s the quality of the attention