Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

About Your Age and The Passing of Time

Concept of age conceals great tyranny

Is age just a number?

It would be. But instead it represents the years of failing to achieve, years of falling behind, years of not making it in time, years of running out of time…

and eventually, it represents the time to die, represents that there’s no more time.

Year after year we celebrate our birthdays, intoxicated with the bittersweet notion of the time passing, what it had brought, what it had brought not

Each time the same quandary, the same existential qualm, but never do we realise that the problem is not with our attitude towards time

the problem is with the concept of time itself

You are not 40.

You are not 20.

You are not 30.

You are not 50 60 70

Not 15

Not young not old,

Time is entirely a mind-made concept

There is only change

And otherwise — NOW

Age is just another way we escape the truth about the moment,

Just another concept we substitute the reality for

Ultimately, just another limitation

Ultimately, just another delusion

Your birthday should be a reminder not that the time passes

but that there is NO TIME

yesterday was your birthday and today is your birthday

your concept of time is an illusion

there is no time

no more time left

it’s time to do what the fuck you want to do

there is no more time left

no future no past

Your birthday should be a reminder not that you failed to achieve failed to produce a result failed to turn your life upside down and again,

it is a reminder that the only thing you can ever do

is what you can do RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW,

the rest is just your concept of productivity, concept of progression, concept of movement in time,

there is no time for that philosophizing and ruminating,

do what you must do

do what you want to do

there is no time

Your birthday should be the moment of revelation

of how enslaved you were by the notion of time

Your birthday should be the moment of liberation

from the unending yoke of becoming

So drink and be merry!

Tomorrow you may die!

Do what you want to do!

Forget all your nonsense duties commitments plans ideas!

Just do what the fuck you want to do!

There’s no time!

There’s no time.