Lifestyle World

Your Disdain

If “lower levels” provoke disgust in you, provoke bitter mockery or criticism — you are likely not much “higher”, and bearing elements of those yourself

Your disdain for failure betrays your own insecurity

Your derision of the system betrays your own fecklessness in life

Your cynicism betrays your inertia

Your arrogance betrays doubts about your own ability

What is your reaction to the awkwardness of toddlers making their first steps?

To the silly sounds they make and crude words beginning to shape in their kid-mouths?

What is your reaction to the childishness of children?

To the difficulty with which they learn to read and count?

To the innate egoism, before they become conditioned with societal “morality”?

To their cluelessness about politics and news and science?

Do you virulently lambaste them for their childish ignorance, stupidity and unwillingness?

Do you mock them and and mock their obvious inferiority in every aspect of human existence?

There is nothing to disdain but oneself

All disdain is non-acceptance.

There is time and place to acknowledge the stupidity of the place you’re in

Muster energy to transcend one’s condition

Use whatever emotion arises to propel you

Then let go of it

Never harbour disdain for too long

If you are disdainful

Celebrate your disdain in what it reveals about yourself

What you disdain is what you actually hate about yourself still

Get it the fuck out of your life, leave it way behind — then forgive yourself

Never deny what you are

Never deny what you feel — which is what you are

If you deny it you never transcend it

If you accept it you can leave it behind

Your disdain is not cool but it reveals what you hate about yourself

Accept that rather then projecting it onto others

Accept that rather then pretend you’re so positive and flowery

Learn from your disdain — then move on, my friend