
It’s Typically Your Life OR Your Career

In our culture, we learn the value of perseverance and dedication.

it doesn’t take long before most of us build IDENTITY around it.

You work so hard, therefore you’re hardworking. Now you’re something and it makes you feel better about yourself.

I don’t work hard. I think it’s a pretty fucking TERRIBLE idea to spend the LOVELY SPRINGTIME MORNINGS in the motherfucking cubicle.


It’s typically your life or your career.

Your career takes time, and you have to take it from somewhere.

“Your life” consists of the little time you have on this planet, and now you decide to give most of it away.

Hence, its either your life or your career. You now gave up most of your life for the sake of someone else’s dream.

You are not getting this time back, so stop dreaming.


It is up to you, if whatever it is that you’re doing, is really worth it.

Achievement is not worth it. You are not taking it to your grave. You are taking nothing to your grave.

Money is not worth it. Life is free, the sun is free and the air is free.



Do it YOUR way.

No sacrifices. No REAL sacrifices. No giving away of your precious, only LIFE.

No pride. Nothing changes with your “achievement” and “hard work”. Unless you enjoyed it, it was NOT worth it.



fuck the 10K hours rule.

It applies only to fixed fields, such as playing an instrument, or sport.

And more importantly,

EVEN THEN you can easily master MANY FIELDS in your lifetime… not by spending the motherfucking 8 hours a day, daily, at work.

2 hours a day and you mastered something, in about 15 years.

4 (2×2) hours a day, and you’re a world-class master of TWO different fields, in 15 years. That’s still much less fucking time then you’d have to invest in your “JOB”.

so much for “working hard” to “achieve something”.


The choice is yours.