Lifestyle Philosophy

You Think You’re “Real”, You’re Not

You can think you’re real while actually being not real


What does real even means?

It would mean that you treasure and honour that which is real to you rather than to someone else

That which you value rather than that which someone else values


But what if you don’t even know what you value?

What does it even mean to value something, to have values?

Valuing implies choice.

If you value everything then you value nothing.

It is in the light of the choices you make that it is revealed what you value

And the more choices the more you value.

And the more you give up the more you value.


If you’re not making a choice if you’re not making an active choice if you’re not acting out your choices if you’re not experiencing intimately the consequences — then there’s little valuing there’s little to value there’s little value


How do you value that which is not real to you, but that which is real to someone else?

We learn through imitation

One man invented the wheel — you learned from him — and good for you.

Now use the wheel for your own devices.

Unfortunately you also learned from him what to think and feel

Because that you didn’t know either


You would have known if you had lived vigorously.

The more ambitious you are with getting what you want, with LIVING how you want, with ENJOYING this short existence — the better you are in understanding what you ACTUALLY want.

You acquire one thing that you wanted. You acquire something else that you thought you wanted. You try this. You try that…

Eventually you have had a lot of experiences, of what you liked, what you didn’t like

Eventually you’re choosing what you LIKE MORE, from many things which you do like

THIS is the meaning of VALUING anything.

You know you value something if you PAY for it. With something else you value.

You pay for that which you LOVE with that which you LIKE A LOT.

But you acquire what you like, learn what you like, learn what you want — by PURSUING those things. Mindfully, yes. But vigorously. Hungrily.


Unfortunately what happens to majority of us is we never develop this strong sense of our values

Rarely strong enough to oppose what the WORLD imposes on us

You don’t know if you know better or the WORLD knows better

You don’t know

You can’t know

You didn’t test it


And thus you may think you’re real — but you’re already copy of a copy

“Your“ values you inherited from the world

You saw your parents entertain certain values. You saw your peers reward certain behaviours. You saw your environment promote certain ideas. You saw the fucking commercials convince you what you should want and like. You heard an important man thundering his ideologies.

You though they were convincing. You felt they were convincing.

They were more convincing then you were

Because what do you know?

You know nothing of the world — and little about your own self.

Obviously you inherited their mind.

Now you think it’s yours

You think you’re real

You’re not


You think you’re real

You’re not

Now even when you vigorously protect your values — you’re actually only one of them. You’re not you


You think you’re real

You’re not

How do you rediscover what is real?


I recommend start doing things purely for yourself

Things that no one will see

Or perhaps that everyone will see — and will NOT approve

Do both

This begins to alleviate dependence of your state on the world’s suggestions, world’s approval.


I recommend doing what you REALLY REALLY WANT. Do something that you really really want. Don’t wait.

So that you get an idea of what it actually feels like.

Experiment with being more selfish.

Experiment with being more hedonistic.

You may or may not enjoy it.

But you must know what it feels like.


I recommend being more AGGRESSIVE

More ruthlessly focused

I recommend you caring more about WHAT YOU WANT than about ANYTHING someone may think or feel, including YOURSELF

If you’re not real — you can’t be moral anyway. Because you’re just a liar. You’re NO ONE at best, and FRAUD at worst.

LEARN what it’s like to actually GET WHAT YOU WANT, without EXCUSES — then learn to be moral. By sharing, by loving.


I always recommend doing more of DIFFERENT THINGS.

If you just continuously challenge yourself with NEW THINGS, NEW REALITIES, NEW PROBLEMS — you will inevitably find your paradigms challenged, and as an extension — the WORLD’S paradigms challenged

You may not even know what you have been FORBIDDING yourself from doing, from thinking, from feeling — until you actually DID IT.


To discover how you actually TETHERED yourself, how you let the world TETHER you.