There’s the existence. Existence which you were burdened with. Existence and the problems of existence. All problems are problems of existence. Your “petty” quotidian problems are still problems of existence (or rather, those are the real problems of existence) You solve problems, You solve problems and learn, You solve problems and learn and …
Category: Philosophy
Unrealistic Expectations Are Evil
Unrealistic expectations are not innocent and benign Unrealistic expectations are evil Unrealistic expectations are not innocent and benign They cause you to engage in unpromising, suboptimal, unrealistic pursuits Therefore they cause you to fail Unrealistic expectations are not innocent and benign It’s only fun to dream your amazing future It’s no fun learning …
The World’s Incomprehensibility and The Tragedy of Naivety
We can’t explain the world Alas we really wish to We can’t explain the world But we want to retain hope We can’t explain the world But we are vain and arrogant creatures There are many motivations to explain the world But it doesn’t make it much more explainable Yes many …
Making Fun Of — NOT Allowed
What you can’t make fun of is what you can’t speak of, is what you can’t think of There’s a terrible oppression concealed behind the veneer of an enlightened, “tolerant” society Tolerance and equality are the yokes of XXI century Misunderstood and subverted ideals to push political agendas and alleviate moral qualms and some of …
Optimism as Self-Delusion
You do things You have expectations Your expectations are either realistic — or not Optimistic is not realistic Pessimistic is not realistic You do things You don’t have expectations — because you are engaging in NEW practises, you are exploring You are optimistic You can’t be realistic — because you don’t have a clue …
There’s what you want — and there’s what you think the world needs. There’s what you want — and there’s what you think the world needs. The world needs to be freed from DISCRIMINATION and prejudice and the planet needs to be saved and the animals need not be eaten for breakfast, and …
We Talk But Say Nothing
we say too much yet too little we don’t really convey ourselves yet we talk and talk and talk and react and react and react rather then BE and DO and then Be and DO with others and use words to facilitate that cooperation professional cooperation, romantic cooperation, societal cooperation, you name it use …
The Only Doing is Doing NEW Things
We think we’re “doing”, or “trying” Really we’re not You don’t understand Doing You watch what others call “doing” and call it “doing” They say work is “doing” and watching tv is “wasting time” They say effort is “doing” and relaxing is “slacking” They say activity is “doing” and laying around is “not doing” …
Art is Spiritual
Art is spiritual Art is “high vibration” Art is lofty but unpretentious Art is creative and creative is life Art is beautiful and art is meaningful Art is beautiful Beauty is spiritual Beauty is the mark of goodness Beauty is the mark of harmony Beauty is of the mark of peace Beauty is …
I do enjoy seeing someone fail. Does it make me feel better about myself? No. But it does teach me what NOT to do. Failure teaches you more then success does. Failure is more tangible. You have far more control over failing the you have over “succeeding”, Anyone can get lucky. Chances are your …