Philosophy World

Complex Modern World Made Us All Incompetent Idiots

What is an idiot? Let’s define an idiot as following generalisation: -someone not only incompetent -but practically unlikely to achieve competence -thus not only not helpful, but harmful to the subject being dealt with   Are most man idiots? Yes they are   We live in a complex world: -Complex global systems -Complex big economy …

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“Smart” People Also Jump On a Bandwagon

“Smart” people are as susceptible to bandwagon effect as stupid people (as susceptible to jump on a bandwagon)   This is because bandwagon effect is not driven by lower cognitive abilities — but by desire to fit in, to find consensus Which is universally human   Of course smart people have superior accuracy. Superior sense …

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Old Age and Wisdom

Some of the highest forms of wisdom is wisdom of that which persists That which persists — it just works That which persists — it has actually proven itself There’s enough brilliant ideas that don’t work And there’s enough brilliant ideas which seem to work — only to fail spectacularly That which actually works, not …

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Nothing has meaning without context. Everything is relative. If everything is dark than nothing is dark. Dark is only dark next to light.   Half of what we say is lost before we even said it Because we simply utter it in the wrong context   If you talk about dark in utter darkness — …

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Labels Contributing Nuance (And Not Destroying Nuance)

Labels can be viewed as a layers in ontology It’s a way of organising data into categories Organisation of data yields insights Insights contribute nuance — rather than take away   Labels destroy nuance if you: -start with a label (rather than the data) -then pigeonhole the data into that label, that category -and you …

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Philosophy World

Value and Forgetfulness

Data has value. Just like gold has value. Data is stored. Just like gold is stored. We retrieve the data from the store in order to access it’s value. Just like we retrieve the gold from our safe in order to sell it and cash out on it’s value.   Now, If you had forgotten …

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Multithreading (And Learning How To Think)

Multithreading teaches you about all successful reasoning, single-threading or multi-threading the same.   Successful reasoning is the same as successful travelling — it’s about successfully efficiently steadily getting from point A to point Z. A single thread has the purpose of going from point A to Z. Running multiple threads simultaneously means you’re getting multiple …

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