It’s easy to lead when everyone follows, It’s hard to lead when some fail to follow. It’s hard to cut the weakest link, But it’s not that hard. What’s even harder is to transmute this inadequacy into competence Now learning is easy — until it gets hard. Teaching is easy — until it …
Tag: Relations
Is World Competition or Cooperation?
You can compete or you can cooperate. You can look at the world and see competition — or you can look at the world and see cooperation. To see the world as competition is called “competitive frame”. To see the world as cooperation is called “collaborative frame”. The world can be competitive or the …
What ENTITY Are You Dealing With Exactly?
There are entities. Entities comprise of entities. And entities comprise entities. An entity is different to entities it is comprised of. An entity is different to entity is comprises. Is it much different? Depends on scale. Depends on co-dependence. It can be very similar, It can be very dissimilar, Since entity comprising many …
Shame, Shameful, Sincerity
There’s the shameful. And there is shame. Shameful leads to shame. Unless someone is shameless — then it doesn’t. Likewise shame itself can arise without the shameful. And of course — shameful is not objective. Shameful is not objective but it obviously doesn’t mean it’s void. Society agrees on what it considers shameful. …
I can consider action or actions someone is taking as admirable, as productive, constructive, as professional, as good, as moral I can also consider them inferior to the actions someone else is taking, or I myself am taking I can view someone’s philosophy, someone’s approach, someone’s overarching plan — as productive, as constructive, as intelligent, …
Have Values to Be Valued
There are INDIVIDUAL VALUES you DEVELOP by the virtue of LIVING YOUR LIFE, and living it AS AN INDIVIDUAL. Then there are VALUES YOU ABSORB from everywhere else: -values you’re born with (as an animal) -values you inherit from the society this type of “values” being persistently confused for personal values, and believed to have …
Same Thing to Say (Truth)
Whether you love someone or hate someone or work with someone or work against someone — you have the same thing to say You have the same thing to say and in the same way, really You have the same thing to say — the truth In the same way — LOVING way …
Politeness vs Bluntness vs Hostile
note: this is a PROFOUNDLY misunderstood subject. I don’t think we actually know what politeness is, and what purpose it serves. Bear with me You can be completely transparent. Or you can be polite. Being polite means taking extra measures to ensure that the receiving party — besides receiving our message — is also …
Eradicate Illusionary Hierarchies
Practically — hierarchies help us organise ourselves in the society. They are a good thing. Spiritually — hierarchies are void. Void because you will die anyway. God doesn’t give a fuck about your place in some illusionary hierarchy. Your specific value does depend on your place in hierarchy. Your intrinsic value doesn’t. Equating your intrinsic …
Giving Value Is a Cheat Code
Giving value is a cheat code You can be morally a scum But if you give enough value — people will bear with you People will IDEALISE you They will overlook your flaws You will still be a scum. A single good deed, or 1000 good deeds, don’t wash out a bad one, not …